The Lived Places Publishing 2024 Library Collection

The Lived Places Publishing 2024 Library Collection is now available for purchase – 25 titles to add to your institution's collection. See below for links to current collection pricing and a downloadable version (.xls) of the complete title list.

A Neurodivergent Blogger
A Neurodivergent Blogger
Posts Highlighting Lived Experience of Self-Determination, Pride, and Empowerment
Author(s): Yenn Purkis
Collection: Disability Studies
ISBN 9781916985384
Publication Date:
Outside Looking Out
Outside Looking Out
Peripheral Identities in Matsumoto Seicho’s Historical Fiction
Collection: Artists Studies
ISBN 9781916704923
Publication Date:
People With Disabilities Seeking and Finding Employment in South Africa
People With Disabilities Seeking and Finding Employment in South Africa
Challenges and Barriers of Disability Unemployment
Author(s): Liändrie Steffens
Collection: Disability Studies
ISBN 9781915271891
Publication Date:
Black Mothers Raising Autistic Children in the UK
Black Mothers Raising Autistic Children in the UK
Mothering at the Margins
ISBN 9781916985001
Publication Date:
Untapped Talent
Untapped Talent
A Practical Guide for Hiring and Retaining Neurodivergent Staff
Author(s): Aron Mercer
Collection: Disability Studies
ISBN 9781916704275
Publication Date:
A Neurodiverse Journey in Social Entrepreneurship
A Neurodiverse Journey in Social Entrepreneurship
Embracing the Spectrum
Author(s): Mathew Townsend
ISBN 9781916985247
Publication Date:
On Being Neurodivergent and Mentoring Autistic Students in Higher Education
On Being Neurodivergent and Mentoring Autistic Students in Higher Education
Breaking Down the Barriers of Exclusion
Author(s): Jorik Mol
ISBN 9781916704633
Publication Date:
Harm to Healing
Harm to Healing
A Pathway to Abolition
Author(s): Felicia Carbajal
Collection: Carceral Studies
ISBN 9781916704602
Publication Date:
Mental Health and the Penal State
Mental Health and the Penal State
Deinstitutionalization and the Criminalization of the Mentally Ill
Author(s): Ian Cummins
ISBN 9781916704350
Publication Date:
Infants, Children, and Youth
Infants, Children, and Youth
Multi-sited Stories of Adversity from South Asia to Australia
ISBN 9781916704053
Publication Date:
Romania, Romanians, and Tsinghua University
Romania, Romanians, and Tsinghua University
Eastern Europe in China
Author(s): Radu Sava
Collection: Asian Studies
ISBN 9781916704244
Publication Date:
Making Masculinities, Fashioning Femininities
Making Masculinities, Fashioning Femininities
Gender, Performance, and Lived Experience in Java, Indonesia
Author(s): Christina Sunardi
ISBN 9781916704206
Publication Date:
Trans(formations) and Tenderness
Trans(formations) and Tenderness
Rhetorics and Resources to Support Transgender Youth in the US
ISBN 9781915734747
Publication Date:
Queerness in a Canadian Context
Queerness in a Canadian Context
Accounting for the Self, Locating the Body
Author(s): Kael Reid
ISBN 9781915734808
Publication Date:
Latinidad, Identity Formation, and the Mass Media Landscape
Latinidad, Identity Formation, and the Mass Media Landscape
Constructing Pocho Villa
Author(s): Gabriel A. Cruz
Collection: Latinx Studies
ISBN 9781915734785
Publication Date:
The Cost of Safety
The Cost of Safety
Central American Young People's Notions of Home
Author(s): Mirna Carranza
Collection: Latinx Studies
ISBN 9781915734136
Publication Date:
Czechoslovakia's Cold War Refugee Children
Czechoslovakia's Cold War Refugee Children
A Lifecourse Perspective
Author(s): Miriam Potocky
ISBN 9781915734686
Publication Date:
Aging In and Out of Place
Aging In and Out of Place
Lived Experiences of Forced Migration Across the Life Course
ISBN 9781915734617
Publication Date:
Getting out of South Carolina’s Juvenile Justice System
Getting out of South Carolina’s Juvenile Justice System
Education for Young Incarcerated Offenders
Author(s): Kimberly Nolan
ISBN 9781916704459
Publication Date:
The Resilient Teacher
The Resilient Teacher
Creating Positive Change through Inclusive Classrooms
Collection: Education Studies
ISBN 9781915734457
Publication Date:
Punk Rock Women Alive and Well in South Philly
Punk Rock Women Alive and Well in South Philly
Friends Are the Family You Choose
Author(s): Anne Cecil
ISBN 9781916985056
Publication Date:
My Name Is
My Name Is
Is Your Name a Gift or a Burden?
Author(s): Javeria K. Shah
Collection: Cultural Anthropology
ISBN 9781915734259
Publication Date:

Download Complete 2024 Title List (.xls)

In addition to these titles, we have 90+ more books in development and 30+ institutions have purchased our entire library collection so far, including Georgetown University, Princeton University, University of Toronto, and Cambridge University.

Each of our collections are delivered with libraries in mind:

  • DRM-free, unlimited user access, and unrestricted PDF download of titles
  • Whole ebook interlibrary loan to one partner institution at a time
  • Affordable, perpetual access pricing with region-appropriate discounts to ensure every university across the globe can own the LPP collection
  • 5% of all sales set aside to fund open access publishing based on our average production cost (published publicly on our website, updated every 6 months)

See complete information about all of the above here in our Librarian Resource Center.

For price of this collection and ordering information, please see our Instituional Pricing Page.

If you have any other questions, please connect with our Sales Director, Stephen Belcourt: Email Stephen