Activism and Social Movement Studies

Forthcoming Books

Collection Editor:
Anna Hayward

Anna's Vision for the Collection

Hayward Vision for the CollectionThe Activism and Social Movement Studies collection focuses on the historical and current day lived experiences of participation in social movements, including those taking place on college campuses via grassroots movements and organized global movements for change. 

This collection seeks titles that explore organization of social movements and individual participation in small- and large-scale activism and movements for: Civil rights and equal treatment for various historically oppressed groups, reproductive rights, environmental and ecological justice, LGBTQ+ rights and freedoms, anti-war and peace, anti-colonial and indigenous justice, racial justice, health and disability rights, human rights, and economic and housing justice, to name a few.


We also welcome titles that explore the intersection of social movements and activism across focus areas and personal interactions across systems and working within systems to affect change. 

Our role as editors will vary depending on the experience and needs of authors.  For new authors, we will be available for idea development, coaching, support, and orientation to the process of academic writing for course curriculum; for more experienced writers our role will be more hands-off and will check progress and review drafts as needed. Our goal is to center voices that have been historically excluded from mainstream academic texts, including the voices of those currently engaged in grassroots activism in new social movements.

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About the Collection Editor:

Hayward-Anna Dr R. Anna Hayward is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Welfare at Stony Brook University. Her research focuses on environmental and ecological justice and community responses to disaster through mutual aid, energy and food sovereignty with a particular focus on Caribbean nations and the US territory of Puerto Rico.  Dr. Hayward has served as a Fulbright Scholar to Jamaica (2014) and Spain (2022) and is currently involved in campus organizing for peace and justice.

Call for Proposals:

Ready to get started? Please fill out this form to contact Anna Hayward with any questions, or download our proposal guidelines to begin the process immediately.