Open Access Titles from Lived Places Publishing

The following books are published under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license as defined by Creative Commons. For titles published under this license, you are free to download, copy, and redistribute these materials in any medium or format as long as you follow the license terms listed below. 

Lived Places Publishing devotes 5% of all revenue generated to funding open access publishing. That means any purchase you make supports open access materials. See our complete Open Access Policy for more details. 


Getting Out of South Carolina’s Juvenile Justice System
Getting Out of South Carolina’s Juvenile Justice System
Education for Young Incarcerated Offenders
Author(s): Kimberly Nolan
ISBN 9781916704435
Publication Date:
Irish University Students with Mental Health Difficulties
Irish University Students with Mental Health Difficulties
Experiences, Challenges and Supports
Author(s): Emma Farrell
ISBN 9781916704855
Publication Date:
Available in all formats

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