Aging Studies Collection

Collection Editor:​

Dr David Betts

David's Vision for the Collection

The Aging Studies Collection focuses on the lives, lived experiences, and communities associated with age and aging. The collection embraces the diversity, breadth, and capacity of both older adults, and those who live, work, and advocate on behalf of older people in this space. We seek titles that: showcase and celebrate the diversity of aging experiences; explore the intersection of aging and other identities; examine how physical, community, and hybrid spaces incorporate aging and older adults; and how professionals, practitioners, and advocates promote and uphold positive aging experiences.

Some of the key areas concerning both older adults and those who support them include (although this is not an exhaustive or finite list): identity, aging and wellbeing; agism and its related stigma; changes in physical or mental capacity associated with aging; the role of social and community support as we age; housing, aged care, and institutional support; economic and legal changes; and implications for professional practice, support, and advocacy. I encourage titles that explore these, and other related areas, with a focus on the intersection of lived experiences, identity, and place – both geographic and theoretical in nature (including, but not limited to, physical, interpersonal, communal, and digital spaces).

My role as the collection editor will be tailored to each author, depending on their needs, experience, and preference. For new and emerging authors, I will provide support with developing new ideas, mentoring and guidance with writing, and assistance with tailoring their writing for course curriculums and assessment design. For more established authors I will provide support as needed, while reviewing progress and drafts on a pre-agreed basis. The ambition of this collection is to challenge views of aging that present a homogenous, or one-size-fits-all view, and thus showcase the spectrum of aging related identities and experiences. This collection will be of interest to those who are curious about the scope of human aging, who work alongside older adults, and those in professional and community roles that advocate for inclusive spaces for older people.

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About the Collection Editor:

 Dr David Betts is a Senior Lecturer in the Social Work program in the School of Humanities, Creative Industries, and Social Sciences at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He coordinates undergraduate courses that focus on mental health, disability, grief and loss, and ethics, and has held a variety of leadership roles, including Deputy Program Convenor, Discipline Lead, and Research Ethics Advisor. His social work practice background includes working as a registered social worker in Aotearoa New Zealand, primarily in health and hospital settings. His research interests include aging studies, queer studies, and social work practice. His current research agenda focuses on how queer spaces develop and change over time, how younger adults engage with queer representation in young adult literature, and how older adults create and develop supportive interpersonal networks through their spaces and environments.

Call for Proposals:

Ready to get started? Please fill out this form to contact us directly with any questions, or download our proposal guidelines to begin the process immediately. 

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