LPP at the AAS conference, March 18 2023 with David Parker, pictured

Roundtable Discussion: Teaching and Publishing in Asia and Asian Studies | AAS 3/18/23

LPP Collection Editor and Author Dr Dong Wang and LPP Founder David Parker will be participating in a roundtable discussion on the changing landscape of teaching and publishing in Asia and Asian studies. 

AAS Attendees: Please join us for this special session at the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Conference in Boston, MA. 

About the Session:

  • TITLE/TOPIC: Teaching and Publishing in Asia and Asian Studies: Uncharted Territories of Our Time?
  • DATE: Saturday, March 18, 2023
  • TIME: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
  • ROOM: Hynes Convention Center – Meeting Room 103 (Plaza Level)


This roundtable explores the challenges and opportunities surrounding teaching and publishing in Asia and Asian studies in the age of diversity with often fundamentally conflicting views competing for primacy.

To discuss – and attempt to answer – some of these questions, this roundtable draws on first-hand experiences at independent publishing enterprises, major research universities, liberal arts colleges where Asia is taught and published about by all the discussants in places ranging from Australia, Britain, Finland, Germany and Indonesia to the United States and mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Organizers: Carla P. Freeman (U.S. Peace Institute), John Fitzgerald (former Ford Foundation representative in PRC) 

Chair: Kristin Stapleton (professor, SUNY Buffalo)


  1. David Kenley (professor/dean, Dakota State University)
  2. David Parker (publisher, Lived Places Publishing)
  3. Dimitar Gueorguiev (associate professor, Syracuse University)
  4. Dong WANG (she/her, incoming visiting professorial fellow, Freie Universität Berlin)
  5. Emily Baum (associate professor, University of California at Irvine)

About Lived Places Publishing:

Lived Places Publishing (LPP) is building a catalog of applied and concise course reading material in interdisciplinary collections. Each title we publish explores the intersection of identity and place, humanizing an issue through lived experience(s).

We just launched our first collection of 40 titles for the 2023 collection. It is delivered with libraries in mind:

  • DRM-free, unlimited user access, and unrestricted PDF download of titles
  • Whole ebook interlibrary loan to one partner institution at a time
  • Affordable, perpetual access pricing with region-appropriate discounts to ensure every university across the globe can own the LPP collection
  • 5% of all sales set aside to fund author-choice open access publishing at our average production cost (actual costs to be published on our website and updated every six months)

As we develop our publishing program, we look forward to feedback and guidance from the library community. To this end, we are offering open-ended trials throughout 2023. We have 5 institutions on board who have begun in January 2023, and we invite you to take part.

Each LPP book includes learning objectives, recommended assignments and discussion guides, and is written at a length (100-150 pages) to be completed in 2-3 weeks of a course. Lived Places Publishing books are written to bring theory and concept to life and to illustrate the theories and concepts that underpin the curriculum in each discipline we publish to.

Librarians: Become a Trial Partner

We are currently offering unlimited, unrestricted, university-wide free trials to allow collection librarians to make an informed decision before committing to purchase. 

For more information or to become a Trial Partner: https://livedplacespublishing.com/librarians 

Authors: Call for Proposals

Dr Wang is seeking empirically-driven manuscripts of 30,000-60,000 words that bear individual and/or collective voices with compelling lived stories involving Asia, the Asian diaspora, and/or others living in Asian places. 

For more on her vision and Proposal Guidelines: https://livedplacespublishing.com/asian-studies 

About Our Books

To view our growing catalog: https://livedplacespublishing.com/catalog

To view our 2023 Library Collection: https://livedplacespublishing.com/librarians

(including a downloadable title list)

To view our complete list: https://livedplacespublishing.com/faculty

(including forthcoming titles)

About Our Mission and Model

  • The “why” behind Lived Places Publishing’s focus on exploring the intersection of social identity and place/context


  • How publishers can serve libraries with better pricing models, DRM, and ILL policies 


  • On the CRT “debate” and how publishers must be outspoken in our support of access to books that our faculty and librarians select


  • How the library is central to supporting course design and content selection by Dominic Broadhurst


  • On new models for sustainable open access publishing


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