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Overhauling the American Prison Industry: A View From 20 Years of Incarceration

LIVE EVENT: Nov 14, 2024 | In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Maurice Tyree, author of The Darkest Parts of my Blackness: A Journey of Remorse, Reform, Reconciliation, and (R)evolution (co-authored with Katie Singer), they examine the numerous problems and possible solutions to the disaster that is the American carceral state. 

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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Electoral Consequences for Black America: A Struggle on Two Simultaneous Fronts

Black Americans are uniquely placed within the phenomenon of American elections. In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Stephen Graves, author of At War With Politics: A Journey from Traditional Political Science to Black Politics, they examine the upcoming U.S. presidential election through the lens of Black politics. 

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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Beneath the Veneer: The Stealthy Pervasiveness of Anti-Black Racism in a Purportedly Colorblind Society

In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Paul Reck, author of How Interpersonal Interactions with Young Black People Forever Altered a White Man’s Understanding of Race, they explore anti-Black racism, the assumptions that uphold it, and why it is often difficult for people to identify and challenge these racist practices.

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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Author Identity Metadata: Why a Small Publisher Can Address a Major Challenge

David Parker leads a discussion about the potential for developing more robust catalog records and searchable fields in publishers' online catalogs – with author-generated and author-approved identity metadata.

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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The Cultural Legacy of Slavery: A Reflection on African American Identity and Family Heritage

In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Deirdre Foreman, author of My Cultural Legacy: Slave Culture and the American South, they explore the cultural legacy of enslaved Africans in the American South through an ethnoautobiographical reflection of Deirdre's own African American identity and family heritage. 

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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A Different Approach to Funding Open Access eBooks

David Parker (LPP) and Bill Maltarich (NYU) talk about new models that are sustainable, equitable, and most importanly – do not rely on book processing charges (BPC). 

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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The Risks and Rewards of African Entrepreneurship: Overcoming Africa’s Challenging Landscape

This free seminar features LPP author Ike Onyema Obi, a Nigerian entrepreneur whose path to business success reflects the challenges many emergent entrepreneurs face. He has mastered being resilient and agile in an African context – taking risks and seizing opportunities, filling knowledge voids by learning persistently, and shaping his networks to help grow his businesses.  

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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David Parker Presenting at Latina/o Studies Association Conference in Tempe (Apr 20)

David Parker, Co-Founder of Lived Places Publishing will be participating in a panel on Publishing in Latinx Studies at this year’s Latina/o Studies Association Conference in Tempe, AZ on April 20. 



Written by:
Michael Boezi
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Family Advocacy: Zero-Sum Parenting and Educational Equity

Family advocacy varies widely in relation to a family’s social identity and, as educators, we need to walk into the world of family advocacy directly and deliberately. Certain types of "unproductive" advocacy can pull resources and attention away from other forms of meaningful family advocacy.

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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David Parker & Kadian Pow Presenting at the UKSG Conference in Glasgow (Apr 10)

David Parker, Co-Founder of Lived Places Publishing and Kadian Pow, Birmingham City University, will be presenting on Author Identity Metadata at this year’s UKSG Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, April 8-10. 

Written by:
Michael Boezi
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The Cost of White Shame and the Benefits of Moving Through It

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Overhauling the American Prison Industry: A View From 20 Years of Incarceration

by Michael Boezi

LIVE EVENT: Nov 14, 2024 | In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Maurice Tyree, author of The Darkest Parts of my Blackness: A Journey of Remorse, Reform, Reconciliation, and (R)evolution (co-authored with Katie Singer), they examine the numerous problems and possible solutions to the disaster that is the American carceral state. 
