
A Different Approach to Funding Open Access eBooks

SESSION REPLAY: A Different Approach to Funding Open Access Ebooks

This session was part of an Innovation Lightning Round that focused on innovative or entrepreneurial thinking in libraries – new ways to solve problems, new technology, or existing tech utilized in new ways. It was held on Friday, November 10th, 2023 at the Charleston Conference.  

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Session Description:

Funding for open access ebooks has advanced significantly in recent years beyond the book processing charges (BPC). The more recent models, such as Direct to Open (2DO) from MIT Press and Fund to Mission from University of Michigan Press, move away from the BPC and focus on the collective buying power of well-funded institutions, funding agencies, and university provost funds, to effectively underwrite open access for all. But these models, as effective as they are in eliminating BPCs, are vulnerable to a specific critique regarding sustainability and equity. First, as concerns sustainability, university and library budgets and funder mandates are unpredictable and thus are the future of these programs. Second, as concerns equity, if a substantial amount of the funding is coming from well endowed institutions and libraries, can we be certain that the decision regarding which authors from which institutions to publish is not influenced by the majority funders?

At Lived Places Publishing (LPP) we have built a different approach to funding open access that is based on two principles: First, 5% of all revenues generated by the publisher are dedicated to funding open access. Second, authors opt in to open access publishing based on a first in first out selection process that is fully transparent. In this speedy discussion the publisher of LPP will outline the full mechansim behind the funding and selection process for open access publishing and invite questions, comments, and critiques.


  • David Parker: Lived Places Publishing, Publisher and Founder
  • Bill Maltarich: New York University Libraries, Head, Collection Development

  • Moderator: Ramune Kubilius, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Galter Library, Collection Development / Special Projects Librarian

Open Access Books:

Our first book published under this new model is Advocating for Queer and BIPOC Survivors of Rape at Public Universities by Taylor Waits, Kimiya Factory, and Coreen Hale (released on March 24, 2024). 

Any of our authors at Lived Places Publishing can opt in to having their book considered for open access publishing. If they opt in, they choose to forego royalties on the open access products (royalties are payable on printed books).

For more detail on our approach to open access publishing, please see our Open Access Policy, which is available in the footer of every page on the website. 

Michael Boezi

Written by: Michael Boezi

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