Mental Health in Higher Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Supports by Michael Boezi
March 10, 2025 LPP author Emma Farrell has arranged a seminar on the subject of supporting higher education students with mental health difficulties which is bringing together leading scholars, student support experts, policy makers, and government officials from Ireland and abroad.
Achieving Positive Outcomes for Teen Moms Through Appropriate Policy and Educational Support by Michael Boezi
March 4, 2025 Pregnant and parenting teen moms, along with their children, face difficult and uncertain futures without appropriate support in terms of economic investment in healthcare or educational support. Janice Airhart offers a perspective on how to deliver these supports, in light of her personal and professional lived experience as a former high school teacher of teen moms.
Imagining the University Differently: The Tactics of Transformation by Michael Boezi
February 24, 2025 FREE SEMINAR MAY 15, 2025: In this conversation between Dr. Kaelie Giffel and Dr. Reham El-Morally, they discuss how the university fails to serve the majority of people that move through it and what can be done about these failures. Themes discussed will include oppression and knowledge production in the university, divisions of labor between faculty, staff, and students, what aspects of the university are worth keeping, and tactics for transforming the university, from within and without.
Breaking Free: Rewriting the Script of Disability in American Higher Education by Michael Boezi
February 20, 2025 FREE SEMINAR APR 24, 2025: In this conversation between Stephanie Levin and Dr. Janise Hurtig, they discuss ableism as a systemic issue that continues to plague American postsecondary education – and how educators can help break the cycle of ableism and further promote inclusiveness within their institutions.
Reverse Engineering as a Curriculum Development Process by Michael Boezi
February 17, 2025 FREE SEMINAR NOV 13, 2025: In this conversation between Anne Cecil and Dr. Reham El-Morally, they discuss the practice-based pedagogy of starting with current trends and deconstructing their influences – not only to build connections between the past and present but also to encourage students to reflect on how historical cycles, subcultures, and innovations influence contemporary identities and cultural narratives.