Author: Rebecca Bush

A collection of individual type forms – small metal stamps of individual letters in different fonts and sizes that would be used in an old-fashioned printing press.

How a Book is Made

How does a book go from a bunch of Word documents to a printed and bound volume? The LPP team outline the stages of the book production process.

A red-washed background of masked children in a classroom, with the classroom door superimposed over it. The classroom door has hand-coloured children’s artwork decorating it, which reads “Amazing things happen here!”.

Ending Educational Inequities

The COVID-19 pandemic reproduced forms of educational exclusions by reiterating a “grammar of schooling”, yet it also offered an opportunity for teaching professionals to use their creativity and brilliance to rewrite it. Pushing back on educational inequities, these stories offer hope of more just and inclusive classrooms now and in the future.  

Linda Jean Hall smiles at the camera

The Role of Anthropology in the Fight for Social Equity

Anthropology is an ethnographic opportunity to record culture by observing and documenting the complexities that define neoliberal social imbalance. Linda Jean Hall recounts how her lived experiences as a descendant of African heritage in North and South America inform the ways that she teaches, writes, and practices active and transdisciplinary Cultural Anthropology.

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