Are we willing to fight for educational spaces that protect women and marginalized people? Organizing for a better university requires all of us. Author Kaelie Giffel offers strategies to move beyond the narrow roles prescribed to us by culture to reimagine educational spaces that work for all participants.
While women own more than 40% of all businesses in the US, female founders receive significantly less in funding. There are steps we can take to close this funding gap for women in business.
Lived Places Publishing authors Nicola Abraham and Victoria Ruddock introduce us to their new book, Supporting patients living with dementia during a pandemic: Digital theatre and educational spaces.
Dr Drew Harris outlines his vision for the stories and explorations of entrepreneurs who don’t fit the “norm”, who operate on the margins, or who face challenges that others don’t.
Publisher and LPP co-founder David Parker explains how to create the best book title and the importance of understanding digital distribution in book publishing.
This Q&A with LPP Advisory Board member Dominic Broadhurst explores the relationship between libraries and publishers, and how that impacts the decisions that Lived Places Publishing makes.
Publisher and co-founder David Parker explores how Lived Places Publishing aims to work with and support libraries in the most fair and effective way possible.