David Parker leads a discussion about the potential for developing more robust catalog records and searchable fields in publishers' online catalogs – with author-generated and author-approved identity metadata.
David Parker (LPP) and Bill Maltarich (NYU) talk about new models that are sustainable, equitable, and most importanly – do not rely on book processing charges (BPC).
The "sudden" rise of ChatGPT and other LLMs has raised a lot of important issues in teaching and learning environments. However, the shared lived experience between student and teacher should always be celebrated and cherished.
When voices are actively silenced, we regress as a society. Instead, we should strive to welcome all reasoned and reasonable perspectives and the resulting discussion that arises.
Publisher David Parker and editor Rebecca Bush explore the different paths to authorship that an expert might take, and explain why they are deliberately looking for authors whose expertise is expressed outside academia, in addition to traditionally academic authorities
Invisible disabilities have long been viewed as being less severe than their visible counterparts, and this issue persists to this day. There is still the outdated notion that your disability must cause you physical pain or infirmity to be believed, accepted, and supported.
LIVE EVENT: Nov 14, 2024 | In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Maurice Tyree, author of The Darkest Parts of my Blackness: A Journey of Remorse, Reform, Reconciliation, and (R)evolution (co-authored with Katie Singer), they examine the numerous problems and possible solutions to the disaster that is the American carceral state.
Gestalt language processors (GLP) perceive and process language in a non-linear, holistic manner. Dr. Jaime Hoerricks sheds light on the often-overlooked struggles of GLPs within the traditional education system, offering innovative and practical strategies for educators and parents as well.
by Valandra
by Professor Valandra, PhD // A look at the "intergenerational bridge" and how the author's grandparents "overcame insurmountable obstacles daily and showed our families and communities, in word and deed, how to defy the white grip of exploitation and domination of our minds, bodies, and spirits to maintain our freedom and find joy despite living in the wake."
LIVE EVENT: Oct 17, 2024 | Black Americans are uniquely placed within the phenomenon of American elections. In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Stephen Graves, author of At War With Politics: A Journey from Traditional Political Science to Black Politics, they examine the upcoming U.S. presidential election through the lens of Black politics.
LIVE EVENT: Sep 25, 2024 | In this conversation between Chris McAuley, Black Studies Collection Editor at Lived Places Publishing and Paul Reck, author of How Interpersonal Interactions with Young Black People Forever Altered a White Man’s Understanding of Race, they explore anti-Black racism, the assumptions that uphold it, and why it is often difficult for people to identify and challenge these racist practices.