Education is Everywhere: Call for Proposals for LPP’s Education Studies Collection

Dr Janise Hurtig, editor for the Education Studies collection, is seeking authors to contribute proposals. Here she explores some possible topic areas and provides ideas and inspiration for possible submissions.

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Janise Hurtig
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The Voice of Disability: Storytelling for Disability Inclusive Places

What is ableism, and what does “nothing about us without us” mean? Collection editors Dr Damian Mellifont and Dr Jennifer Smith-Merry are seeking authors to raise their own voices of disability.

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Damian Mellifont
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Diversity in Authorial Expertise: There are Many Paths to Authoring with Lived Places Publishing

Publisher David Parker and editor Rebecca Bush explore the different paths to authorship that an expert might take, and explain why they are deliberately looking for authors whose expertise is expressed outside academia, in addition to traditionally academic authorities

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Book Marketing for Authors: Beginning Steps to Build Your Platform

Commissioning Editor Rebecca Bush gives an overview of simple marketing activities that any author should consider to build their audience and platform and promote their book.

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All Stories Created Equal: Inequity and Inequality in Autobiography and Storytelling

All people are not valued equally, so there is societal inequity and inequality in how their stories are valued as well. Collection Editor Chris McAuley explores the mission of Lived Places Black Studies Collection to help rectify this imbalance.

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Chris McAuley
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Book Marketing: A Publisher’s Role and Responsibilities

David Parker explains how Lived Places Publishing provides a platform for authors to develop their relationship with their readers and supports them in the crucial step of marketing their book.

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Latinx and the Possibilities of Place

Dr. Manuel Callahan discusses the tension, critiques, and differing opinions around the use of the term Latinx to describe identities that may otherwise be labelled Latin American, Latino, or Latina.

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Manuel Callahan
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How to Work Well with Your Editor: Tips for Authors

Commissioning Editor Rebecca Bush lays out the different types of editor that an author might encounter and provides some helpful tips to help you build a mutually beneficial working relationship with your editor.

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In Search of Education’s Hidden Protagonists

Dr. Janise Hurtig lays out her vision for a new collection of the rich stories, vignettes, and accounts drawn from the experiences of those individuals (and groups) who are the protagonists of the educational practices of today and the future.

Written by:
Janise Hurtig
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Equity in Royalty and Sustainable Open Access Funding

Challenging the predominant publishing paradigm is never easy, but David Parker pulls back the curtain on a new model in open access publishing, centered around equity and open access for course materials.

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