As AI takes root in the publishing industry, authors and publishing teams alike will need more support as they began to fold AI into daily practice. David Parker lays out three key points of evolution in LPP’s publishing and business operations.
Lived Places Publishing is proud to announce the launch of a Jewish Studies collection and a Middle Eastern Studies collection to bring forward the stories of real people experiencing their unique constellation of identities in troubled and often contested places.
The “sudden” rise of ChatGPT and other LLMs has raised a lot of important issues in teaching and learning environments. However, the shared lived experience between student and teacher should always be celebrated and cherished.
Come Meet David Parker at The Charleston Library Conference, Charleston, SC (November 7-10, 2023). David will be presenting on models for funding open access eBooks and participating in the Vendor Showcase.
We invite you to participate in our brief survey to help establishing an author-led set standards for identity metadata. Please feel free to share this survey with authors, librarians, and publishing professionals – we will be publishing the results of our research.
New models are emerging for funding open access, which may serve to alleviate one of the publishing industry’s most problematic practices: Levying book processing charges on authors.
When voices are actively silenced, we regress as a society. Instead, we should strive to welcome all reasoned and reasonable perspectives and the resulting discussion that arises.
Lived Places Publishing must establish pricing that captures both a single, retail reader, and an institution-wide, unlimited-access group of readers which might number into the hundreds. Publisher David Parker explains how to develop a multi-channel pricing strategy.