Incarceration Nations Network Collection
Forthcoming Books
Collection Editor:
Dr. Baz Dreisinger
Baz’s Vision for the Collection
This collection is a collaboration between the Incarceration Nations Network (INN) and Lived Places Publishing (LPP) to broaden the scope of real people’s storytelling in Carceral Studies.
The most knowledgeable experts on any government’s justice system are the people who have endured it. The LPP/INN collection thus delivers the stories of and by people who have experienced prison firsthand and worldwide and are thus living witnesses to the global catastrophe known as mass incarceration.
Recognizing that the act of bearing witness can take many forms this collection seeks academic memoirs, essay collections, poetry collections, and other forms of ethnographic and autoethnographic tellings that expose the intersection of identity and place. Recognizing, too, that mass incarceration is a global phenomenon, the collection welcomes writers from across the globe and seeks to publish in multiple languages through translation rights and emerging tools.
The Collection Curator’s role will be to work with and support INN’s global justice family, engage with and review submitted proposals and manuscripts, and coordinate an editorial decision-making process that centers people with lived experience, and offer guidance on edits and adjustments, always with an eye toward supporting the author through the entire process of publishing.
About the Collection Editor:

Call for Proposals:
Ready to get started? Please fill out this form to contact Baz directly with any questions, or download our proposal guidelines to begin the process immediately.