Here is the ever-growing list of our current collections. Please reach out to the specific collection editor with queries or to submit a proposal:
- Activism and Social Movement Studies
- Artists Studies
- Asian Studies
- Black Studies
- Carceral Studies
- Cultural Anthropology
- Disability Studies
- Education Studies
- The Emergent Entrepreneur
- Endangered Language Studies
- Fashion and Personal Style Studies
- Forced Migration Studies
- Gender Studies
- Human-Centered Design Studies
- Incarceration Nations Network
- Jewish Studies
- Latinx Studies
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Queer and LGBT+ Studies
- Social Work
Lived Places Publishing is seeking new collections in a variety of topic areas. Collections can be in specific disciplines, interdisciplinary, or topic-based. We are home to academically rigorous, emerging, and necessary curriculae.
- Indigenous Studies
- Labor Studies
- Aging Studies
- Environmental Justice and Sustainability Studies
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Religious Studies
- Caribbean Studies
- African Studies
- Diaspora Studies
- Fat Studies
- Mad Studies
- Pacific Islands Studies
Please connect with our publisher to discuss your interest in becoming a collection editor.