Middle Eastern Studies Collection
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Collection Editor:
Dr Kaziwa Salih
Kaziwa’s Vision for the Collection
The Middle East is the cradle of civilizations; it is the birthplace of many religions and the earliest multiethnic, multi-religious, and multicultural societies. Nevertheless, Western readers are predominantly exposed to accounts of political conflicts in the Middle East rather than to its historical sites, the adventures of its people, or the personal experiences of individuals amidst the region’s turbulent past. Middle Eastern Studies at Lived Places Publishing is interested in publishing your narrative and your thoughts on the place’s identity, as well as how it reflects on your own identity and your experiences among and within lived places or on your community, country, or sociocultural environment.
Middle Eastern Studies is seeking educational and informative titles, appropriate for use in university courses, on specific places – be they physical, institutional, social, or cultural. We will be accepting the work of authors with inspiring tales to tell, grounded in empirical evidence – compelling lived stories related to the Middle East or the Middle Eastern diaspora that represent the individual or collective voice of a community. Middle Eastern Studies is particularly interested in stories and authors from minority communities in the Middle East.
As collection editor, I will help guide our authors in crafting quality manuscripts. This includes serving as a co-strategist, draft commentator, and motivator, as well as providing suggestions and encouragement while upholding authors’ autonomy to disclose their personal experiences. It is my firm belief that individuals should write about their own lives, and I particularly advocate for minority groups to share their perspectives on how their experiences of lived places have influenced their identities and shaped their reality.
About the Collection Editor:

Call for Proposals:
Ready to get started? Please fill out this form to contact Kaziwa directly with any questions, or download our proposal guidelines to begin the process immediately.