A Complex Knot
Aging In and Out of Place
Lived Experiences of Forced Migration Across the Life Course
Publication Date:
University for a Good Woman
Gender, Labor, and Class in American Higher Education
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Punk Rock Women Alive and Well in South Philly
Friends Are the Family You Choose
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My Name Is
Is Your Name a Gift or a Burden?
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At War With Politics
A Journey from Traditional Political Science to Black Politics
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Creative Resistance
The Social Justice Practices of Monirah, Halleh, and Diala
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(Re)constructing Memory, Place, and Identity in Twentieth Century Houston
A Memoir on Family and Being Mexican American in Space City USA
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Tse Tsan Tai (1872–1938)
An Australian-Cantonese Opinion Maker in British Hong Kong
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From Sleepless in Seattle to I Seoul You
Korean Gay Men and Cross-cultural Encounters in Transnational Times
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Spies in British Controlled Singapore
Policing the Japanese, 1921-1941
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To Be a Marma
A Passionately Lived Identity on the Borderlands Between Bangladesh and Myanmar
Publication Date: